Monday, April 20, 2009


The second part of my talk is about print works.

This is called Memory. When I got this idea, just right after I had a baby and my life was changed a lot. I couldn't help thinking about many things of my family before I went to bed at night. Then I had an idea about making a pillow with print, which is an materialization process of keeping one's memory on a pillow.

I magnified keys of the computer keyboard and with my hand print on it. I made the moulds and vacuum-formed them into plastic key board. Hand print on the keyboard represents that the handmade had been replaced by the mass production. Keyboard stands for the contemporary life style. Moreover, hand print represents the nature and personality. But the nature has outdated, just like the memory, which is blurred and difficult to be recognized in the modern life. The personality has been erased in the mass production, whose products are all same.

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